

现在打电话: 800-878-1929


龙8国际娱乐官认为这是极其重要的, that you make you best effort to pass the state exam on the first try, 如果不是, you will have to pay an application fee for another state exam date, 再等4-6周,重新学习所有的东西! 再加上没有参与这个领域的时间和收入损失.

除了第一次就通过国家考试, 你作为学生的“目标”, should be to find the school and program that is going to make it the most convenient for you to study, give you an easy process to follow and give you the best price for what you receive.


重要的 平均 近50%参加国家考试的人第一次就不及格.

为什么会发生这种情况?? 2个原因:缺乏研究和低质量的课程


We believe with 100% certainty that we have the best program for you to accomplish your GOAL and present a program far superior than any other!

1. The Qualification Courses that are required to complete in order to schedule a testing date to take your state exam are only pre-requisite courses and are not meant to prepare you for the state exam.

The qualification course books with information to use to study has (超过1400多页的小字). Only a limited portion of the information is going to be on the state exam, so it would be a great loss of time and energy completing these courses other than just getting the certificates of completions.

龙8国际娱乐官是 只有学校 龙8国际娱乐官知道它产生了 重点电源审查指南(215页大纲) consisting of information focused what’s actually going to be on the state exam.

2. We are completely focused on the California Real Estate 销售代理 and 经纪人 Exam. You will notice that many of the schools you will find in an online search offer programs in MULTIPLE states and in addition offer programs for Appraisers, 保险, 承包商许可证, 等.

话虽如此, How would it be possible for them to focus on any particular state or any one particular career program? 可能不是!!

因为龙8国际娱乐官的 百分百专注 towards creating a program to help you pass the California Real Estate State Exam and nothing else, we are going to be able to give you the best possible chance of passing on the first try! Take note, this has been our specialty since our family started with what may have been the 1941年由房地产部门批准的第一所学校.

3. 顶级教练,D. Sheldon Schwartz known as “The Professor” has been teaching longer than any real estate instructor in the field.


4. Check for yourself, most of the schools don’t even offer a Audio Presentation in their programs.

唐的演讲已经录成音频了, so you will get the benefits of both a live classroom situation as well as the repetition by utilizing a home study program.

想想这个过程有多简单, simply listen to the audio and learn from the Top Instructor in the State. 他还使用龙8国际娱乐官215页的《龙8国际娱乐官》进行教学, 因此,您将简单地使用它来跟随. 来配合龙8国际娱乐官的项目, Don makes himself personally available by phone to answer all student’s questions throughout the entire program.

5. 龙8国际娱乐官提供更多的学习材料和选择. 让龙8国际娱乐官谈谈便利性……

龙8国际娱乐官不仅提供最完整的在线学习课程 POWERPREP在线™ we also add the option of adding the hardcopy Power Review Guide to the program.

6. 龙8国际娱乐官是 only school that includes in their program a Lightning Review Audio

The Lightning Review Audio has the top 80 minutes of the most important information students should review right before their state exam or 在国家考试当天听.

7. We have the lowest overall enrollment costs and value for what you receive.

We have specifically researched the most visible schools on an online search. We looked at their prices, content of the program, type of instruction and experience. We then developed a pricing structure that gives our program the best value!

8. 龙8国际娱乐官有最好的支持.

If you have a question or problem, we offer many ways to get help, with access to our Customer Service, Head Counselor, Head Instructor and Live Chat Support 谁能在你需要的时候给你指明正确的方向.

9. We are so confident in our program we offer an unmatched 保证.

这个保证支付给龙8国际娱乐官的学生 他们的钱要回来了 如果他们失败了. 自从龙8国际娱乐官开始提供这个 无与伦比的 保证在美国,龙8国际娱乐官很少退款. 除了, 龙8国际娱乐官相信那些少数失败的人, 最有可能是因为缺乏学习时间, 不幸的是龙8国际娱乐官无法控制.

10. We now offer a new “Unique” and “Exclusive” Program that will give you an added EDGE on passing your state exam.

龙8国际娱乐官知道大多数学生都有全职工作, 需要照顾的孩子, 日常差事, 任命, weekend activities and a multitude of other tasks that turned out to be so time consuming that it severely limited the time they had available to study. 龙8国际娱乐官的 开车 & PREP完全“独特”和“独家” to our school and our students are now able to preserve their normal lifestyles, simply by now being able to utilize time normally wasted while driving and use it to properly prepare for their state exams. It consists of nearly 12 hours of jammed packed audio information and is currently the only program that allows you to “边开车边学习”.


  • We provide Information focused to the state exam in the form of a “one of a kind” (215-page Power Review Guide).
  • We only specialize in the California Real Estate 销售代理 and 经纪人 exams and nothing else.
  • We are confident to say that we have the “Top Instructor in the State of California”.
  • 龙8国际娱乐官有一个包含音频的程序, so our students can simply listen and learn from the convenience of their home.
  • We offer more materials and options in our program including the most complete “online” study program.
  • We offer a one of a kind “Lightning Review Audio, you listen to on the way to the state exam.
  • Compare our prices with all other schools and you will find you will get the most value for your money.
  • We have the Ultimate Guarantee, offering to pay students double 他们的钱要回来了 if they fail.
  • 龙8国际娱乐官为所有的学生提供最大的支持!
  • We offer a program that will give you an important “EDGE” to passing your state exam. 驱动和准备!

